Thursday 31 October 2013

Upcoming Big Change : TIZEN a brand new Competitor for Android.


In this changing world every thing is changing really fast .As we know today there is boom of Google developed Android OS ,But in the up coming days we can see a big change .The big change is "Tizen Os".What is Tizen ? Why it is a threat to Android ? We will see in this post further.

Tizen first look
Tizen 2.2 beta screen

Tizen  is a Linux-based operating system for devices including smartphonestabletsin-vehicle infotainment (IVI) devices, and smart TVs. Its licensing model involves software using a variety of open source licenses which may be incompatible, along with a proprietary SDK. It aims to offer a consistent user experience across devices. The Tizen project resides within the Linux Foundation and is governed by a Technical Steering Group (TSG) composed of Samsung and Intel. Tizen roots back to the Samsung Linux Platform (SLP) and the LiMo Project and recently, Samsung merged its homegrown Bada project into Tizen. Intel put some of its MeeGo work into Tizen.

There are a lot of companies that are currently supporting and working on Tizen some of them are:-

Tizen association members
Tizen association members 

 Here are four reasons TIZEN will be a game-changer:
  • Tizen is well-supported. Tizen is steered primarily by Intel, Samsung, and the Tizen Association (formerly LiMo Foundation), all under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. The Tizen Association counts Fujitsu, Huawei, Orange, Panasonic, Sprint, and Vodafone among its members.
  • Tizen is compatible with HTML5. Poor app ecosystems doomed the aforementioned mobile Linux platforms, and certainly played a role in the downfall of BlackBerry and the tepid acceptance of Windows Phones. HTML5 compatibility will give Tizen users access to a wide range of apps without the need to address the challenge of attracting native app developers.
  • The Android brand is no longer important. Samsung, the leading manufacturer of Android-based smartphones, rarely uses the word “Android” in its advertisements anymore. Check it out for yourself on the company’s newly launched Galaxy S4 page. Not a single reference to Android on the entire site. I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to read to read between the lines…
  • Samsung is poised to ditch Android. Despite being the Android leader, Samsung has never fully committed to the platform. The company has seemingly always been in search of a strong alternative, having at different times dabbled with bada, MeeGo, Windows, and now Tizen. Between some of the legal headaches associated with the use of Android (Apple lawsuits, the “Microsoft Tax,” etc.) and Google’s acquisition of a top competitor (Motorola Mobility), Samsung appears more eager than ever to move on.

    So This was a quick overview about the latest upcoming much waited TIZEN .
    In the next post we will talk about why tizen is coming up as a rival of android.