Hey friend's welcome to the tutorial on how to hack Windows password .
*Note : This tutorial is for educational purpose only. Am not responsible for the cause. (-_-)
Windows password can be easily hacked using "cmd" . I know many of readers will definitely try this in their college or school . So i wont explain you the required conditions for the success of cracking the windows password .Guys frankly speaking dont try this at school or college ,because even a single alphabet can bring a huge damage on your system. If you are not sure what you are doing then you should not try this. .
STEP 1 : Open "cmd" , from user account in order to hack Administrator Password .
STEP 2 : enter a command " net user " . This will result into no. of active user acount in the system/lappy.
STEP 3: Enter a command " net user administrator " . Here "administrator" is the name of account that you are going to change.
STEP 4: Enter a command "net user administrator xyz" .
And you are done . Here xyz is the new password of administrator .
Step 5: Enter "exit".
Its so easy .. isn't it ?